Laser tread depth gauge
Laser tread depth gauge

The product appears to be intended for the Italian market being marked on the dial as 1 Divisione = 1/10 di mm. For the money, the performance could be better despite ease of use and the potential for accuracy. But the errors could conceivably give false assurance in other examples - true depth being less than measured due to errors, though the errors are not huge unless you are close to the legal limit. In both cases, in the item supplied, the error is on the side of caution, showing measured remaining tread less than actual. But even then, testing against known thicknesses, the dial consistently under-measures by about 0.2millimetres. There is no way to adjust this out permanently but the plunger can be gently pressed or pulled to give a zero starting point. Watch video of tire tread measurement with 1D Laser Sensor. Choose sufficient X width for the 2D head or shift the 2D head laterally to image the complete tire over multiple rotations. In practice there is a zero error of just under minus 0.2mm against a flat surface. Choose a laser head that has sufficient X range to see the whole tire pattern as shown. A small blunt pin moves into the tread rotating the pointer on the dial to show depth. The gauge is placed on the tyre and the plunger on top pressed down. Interested in learning more about Dimetix laser distance sensors measuring solutions? Click here to contact Laser-View Technologies.In principle a very good design with a clear and easy dial to read off depths, calibrated to 0.1 of a mm. Shallow tread depths shorten service life while defects such as blistering, bubbles.

  • Optional: Ethernet IP, Profinet, EtherCat available integrated to the sensor make integration Allen Bradley and Siemens controllers simple This QTM strategy includes tread depth measurement and defect detection. Buy Laser 2962 Tyre Tread Depth Gauge (laser tire tread depth gauge) with great discount Only 7 days.
  • Built in standard: RS232, RS485/422, SSI encoder, analog, digital I/O.
  • Fast measurements up to 250 Hz with 1 kHz output.
  • Mechpro Blue Digital Tread Depth Gauge - MPBDG101 is now available online and at your local Repco store. It starts with the parts - At Repco we have a wide range of Multi-Application products. Browse our selection and order online today.
  • Up to 1mm absolute accuracy over the entire range, independent of color, texture, and actual distance At Repco, we have all the Multi-Application items you need, including Mechpro Blue Digital Tread Depth Gauge - MPBDG101.
  • Longacre Dual Function Infrared Laser Pyrometer with Tire Probe. Longacre Caster-Camber Gauge With AccuLevel - No Adapter. Longacre Billet Caster-Camber Gauge with Quick-Set Adapter. Longacre AccuLevel Magnetic Caster-Camber Gauge with Case.
  • Extended temperature ranges from -40 to +60 C available Longacre Laser Chassis Height Checker & Scale Leveler.
  • Plasma Cutting Plate Laser Cutting Precision Milled Super Square.
  • Small spot size: Approximately 0.15” spot size close to laser grows to only about 2” size at 100m The aluminum tread plate is a high strength material designed to withstand high.
  • Laser tread depth gauge series#

    The Dimetix D-series laser distance series from Laser-View Technologies provides the best position sensors to achieve the following key characteristics: These lasers are the ideal choice for the measurement of a hole’s depth. Tyre Thread Depth Gauge Steelmate,Tire Depth Gauge Laser Tread 2-999 Pieces. Non-Contact Measurement of Hole Depthĭimetix laser distance sensors are rugged, accurate, cost-effective, and easily integrated into most customers’ control systems.

    laser tread depth gauge

    Triangulation type laser sensors cannot measure deep bores because the retuning laser signal cannot exit the bore and return to the sensor’s reeving element. As a result, the signal comes back to the sensor directly. The receiver and transmitter are both mounted on the sensor and are close together. Hole Depth Measuring Techniquesĭimetix laser sensors operate based on a phase shift principle. Laser distance sensors can be a good candidate for solving this measurement challenge. Other non-contact techniques, such as ultrasonic, often have problems with reflections from the inner walls of the bore. Hole depth gaging in machining operationsĭeep bores are not practically measured using mechanical means. This item: Laser 4262 Tyre Tread Depth Gauge £21.93 Preciva Digital Tyre Tread Depth Gauge, 0-25.Bar stock position in a machining center feed tube.Digital tire thread depth gauge sunsoul tirerepair supplies manufacturer. Water level in a deep wellbore to afloat Discover short videos related to digital tire tread gauge on TikTok.Examples of scenarios in which this is necessary are: Measuring the depth of a hole or deep bore can be challenging. Dimetix laser distance sensors offer an accurate and easily integrated non-contact technique of measuring hole depth.

    Laser tread depth gauge